I’m a huge fan of garlic. I love the taste, and I love how it adds interest to a recipe. Cooking with it also gives the whole house a wonderful bouquet. Its aroma signifies happy times in the kitchen.
It contains the chemical allicin. This is what gives garlic its odor. Some studies claim that it can kill 23 types of bacteria (including salmonella and staphylococcus) and 60 types of fungi and yeast. Other studies say it’s helpful in preventing heart attacks, strokes, high cholesterol, and clogged arteries. And others claim it lowers blood pressure, stimulates the immune system, fights cancer, and contributes vitamins C, A, and B.
While many of the studies done on garlic have yet to be fully substantiated, we know one thing for sure – garlic, “the stinking rose,” is indeed effective in repelling vampires. Even with this safeguard it’s still a good idea to avoid areas where there have been known sightings, and if you do happen to see one, just leave it alone and don’t provoke it. It’s just not wise to rankle their ire.
Now if you don’t heed this caution, and you do happen to get bitten, it’s suggested that the ingestion of lots of garlic along with a combination of antibiotics be taken to ensure you don’t become deathly ill. One never knows when a vampire attack can occur, so perhaps the best plan is one employing prophylaxis, so keep your titer up, and eat lots of garlic.
Garlic (Baked And Garlic Toast)
1Garlic head
Enter Target Time _______________
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Time: __________ (60 minutes prior to target time)
Leaving the root end intact, do a lateral cut (using a serrated bread knife) cutting the pointed ends of the garlic bulb off, exposing the cloves. Be sure to cut enough so the cloves of garlic can easily be removed after it is cooked. Remove the papery outer skin from the heads, leaving the clusters of cloves intact.
Place bulb in the center of a piece of aluminum foil.
Drizzle EVOO over the top and add salt.
Gather up the sides of the aluminum foil and twist the top.
Place in oven with a drip pan underneath just in case you spring a leak.
Cook for 45-50 minutes.
Let cool a bit, and then remove the cooked cloves from their husks and place in a small bowl. Drizzle EVOO over the top and salt again if needed.
The cooked garlic is soft enough to spread over bread. This can be dipped in plain or flavored oil, and it is unbelievably delicious.
And now … The Best Garlic Toast – Ever
This is enough for a baguette. Quick and easy, simply combine 4 Tbsp butter, 4 Tbsp Parmesan or Asiago cheese, 1 1/2 Tbsp commercially prepared chopped garlic, 1 1/2Tbsp EVOO, and add herbs if you would like (optional).
Directions: Make a cut horizontal to the countertop, slicing the baguette in half. Further slice the bread in 4 inch pieces. Place on an aluminum foil-lined cookie sheet. Under a broiler toast the crusted sides of the baguette. Remove from oven and spread the topping on the crustless and untoasted side of each slice. You can sprinkle some shredded cheese over the topping if you would like. Return to the oven and broil until the top just starts to bubble.
Watch closely so it doesn’t burn. It is best served right out of the oven.