There was Joe Montana, Tiger Woods, Sox, and Julia Childs. When I think of game changers, these three immediately come to mind. I’ve recently added vacuum sealers and sous vide to my list. To my way of thinking, they are game changers also.
First off, vacuum sealers are practical machines that can save money. By allowing you to keep your food fresh longer, there is less wastage, and less ends up in the landfill or going down your disposal. And as a result, you can buy in bulk resulting in your food costing less.
A vacuum sealer should end up paying for itself over time. Ice crystals won’t form nearly as quickly, nor will the contents suffer from freezer burn because most of the air has been removed.
The more sophisticated models have a pulse feature when the air is being removed, so you will be able to freeze bread without totally crushing the loaf. They also do a better job shrink-wrapping liquid contents. Top-of-the-line will cost under $200, but I think it is well worth it. The vacuum bags are also perfect for sous vide cooking.
This segues me into this wonderful way of cooking where food that has been sealed in plastic is dropped into hot water to cook. The cooking technique guarantees that you will never overcook your food again. Even if you forget about it and let it cook too long, it will still be perfectly cooked. I know. It sounds too good to be true.
Product: Nesco Deluxe Food VS-12 Vacuum Sealer, 130 watts, Kit bags and viewing lid, compact silver. $109.98